CC2C starring Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone and Ranvir Shorey will hit all the theatres this Friday. CC2C shot in China is a kung fu comedy where both Akshay and Deepika will be seen in a double role. The Indo-Chinese princess, Deepika, speaks to us about her much awaited film.
Tell us about CC2C?
Well, I guess all of you must have watched the trailers and they say it all. All I would like to say is that you all must go and watch it as you'll definitely enjoy it.
Which is your favorite song from CC2C?
Tere Naina is my favorite song. It's a beautiful romantic song.
We've heard that you've learnt Chinese for this movie....
Yes, I've learnt little bit of Chinese of which unfortunately I don't even remember a word. (Laughs) But it was a wonderful experience; I had a lot of fun because learning a new language is very challenging and so I loved it.
You've even shot for many action sequences with Akshay Kumar. So how was the overall experience?
It was very difficult for me as I've never done action before. But I was trained for 6 months. I used to train for about 8 hours a day and that was very difficult for me but I think it's all paid off and I just hope you all enjoy all the action scenes in the movie.
Tell us about using glue to get the look in the film
We all were wondering how to get the Chinese look and Nikhil Advani wanted me to wear tapes to get the Chinese look but that however that didn't happen. My make up artist did this technique of using the eyeliner in a way that would make my eyes look slender and oriental.
Your song from 'Billu Barber' is already out and it's getting very positive reactions too. So how was it working with SRK again?
I was really glad that Shahrukh chose me. The fact that I've done my debut with him is very special to me and so I can never say 'NO' to him. And the fact that the entire OSO team was back with Farah, Shahrukh and myself including my costume designer Manish Malhotra who designed my clothes for the song .... so it was a sense of deja vu because it's exactly after one year of the release of OSO that we were shooting for this song so I am very happy.
Well, I guess all of you must have watched the trailers and they say it all. All I would like to say is that you all must go and watch it as you'll definitely enjoy it.
Which is your favorite song from CC2C?
Tere Naina is my favorite song. It's a beautiful romantic song.
We've heard that you've learnt Chinese for this movie....
Yes, I've learnt little bit of Chinese of which unfortunately I don't even remember a word. (Laughs) But it was a wonderful experience; I had a lot of fun because learning a new language is very challenging and so I loved it.
You've even shot for many action sequences with Akshay Kumar. So how was the overall experience?
It was very difficult for me as I've never done action before. But I was trained for 6 months. I used to train for about 8 hours a day and that was very difficult for me but I think it's all paid off and I just hope you all enjoy all the action scenes in the movie.
Tell us about using glue to get the look in the film
We all were wondering how to get the Chinese look and Nikhil Advani wanted me to wear tapes to get the Chinese look but that however that didn't happen. My make up artist did this technique of using the eyeliner in a way that would make my eyes look slender and oriental.
Your song from 'Billu Barber' is already out and it's getting very positive reactions too. So how was it working with SRK again?
I was really glad that Shahrukh chose me. The fact that I've done my debut with him is very special to me and so I can never say 'NO' to him. And the fact that the entire OSO team was back with Farah, Shahrukh and myself including my costume designer Manish Malhotra who designed my clothes for the song .... so it was a sense of deja vu because it's exactly after one year of the release of OSO that we were shooting for this song so I am very happy.
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