Madhya Pradesh capital Bhopal has been engaged in the gathering of artists these days Bollywood. Superstar Amitabh Bachchan, Saif Ali Khan, from camping in the state. These artists have come here in connection with the shooting. These days, many in Bhopal shooting is ongoing. Mega Star film director Prakash Jha's 'reservation' shooting is going on these days in Bhopal. The film, Amitabh Bachchan, Saif Ali Khan, Manoj Bajpai and Deepika Padukone are plays such an important artist. Bhopal is also the way the law of Amitabh Bachchan. He came here often, but for a film he first came here. Bhopal in the last few days 'reservation' than 'off-butter Lai Diary' and 'ash' shooting is going on. Film director Tanuja Chandra, Bhopal also believe that everything that is needed for shooting. They think that instead of shooting abroad Bhopal is much better. From here the natural beauty of historic buildings, which meet the needs of filmmakers. Interestingly, Prakash Jha, the film's shooting in Bhopal was politics. The film, Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif and Ajay Devgan have played a major role
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