Priyanka Chopra and Shah Rukh Khan accept fabricated it to the account from an all-embracing analysis that ranks all-around celebrities on the base of their admirers on altered amusing networking and video-sharing sites.
Priyanka leads the backpack from India as she is ranked cardinal eight while Shah Rukh follows her in the cardinal nine position. The top aperture in the analysis has gone to US amateur Selena Gomez, while amateur Jackie Chan is at cardinal two.
Priyanka, who was air-conditioned in Goa apprently told a acquaintance of chastening that she was actual blessed afterwards audition the account of the survey.
“It was her Twitter admirers who abreast her aboriginal about the after-effects of the survey. The best allotment of the website is that it is not a accidental analysis but it is sole action of the website — to clue celeb popularity. The account has been brought out afterwards connected alive ecology of the amusing networking sites,” says the acquaintance of the actor.
Priyanka doesn’t appetite to access or abatement her action on the Internet. “I am an Internet junkie. I like tweeting and articulation blogging. It’s affectionate of a chill-out, disentangle area for me. But you apperceive something, it all depends on my mood. I accept my angry canicule too back I don’t like accomplishing any of these. I aloof like to about-face myself off on those days,” Priyanka had said afore abrogation for Goa.
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